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Thursday, October 1, 2020

#OctPoWriMo Day 1-Shine Your Light

Today begins the first day of October Poetry Writing Month, or OctPoWriMo. It's the perfect day to begin a journey into the world of poetry and exploring what that means to you through prompts and the inspiration of others.

Before I post my response to today's prompt I'd like to let everyone know that this is my new blog. Previously I was using WordPress and my blog name was The last few years I've had problems with it and currently it appears that my webhost, GoDaddy, has made it unavailable. I may not be able to recover it. With that said, until then this is my new home. So if you knew me before this is the new place. Welcome. I haven't written much in awhile but am trying to get myself back in the practice.

Now, on to today's poetry prompt. It is shine your light, which is also the theme for the month. With this whole year feeling like someone threw all the balls up in the air it's been hard to figure out what our new normal is. It's felt dark and frightening at times. Yet, even within the darkness light has streamed forth in good deeds done by simple acts: a boy saving his sister from a dog attack, babies being born healthy despite the contagiousness of Covid-19, and people sharing their talents and offering free lessons in art and cooking and even technical skills. For some of us we may have tried new things while others of us turned to our tried and true hobbies to help battle the dark. I am learning to watercolor and draw and am learning to color using colored pencils (best color theory teacher, I think). I'm not very good but I am learning and the lesson here is that I am trying. I think we all are. That's what my poem is about because sometimes simply trying to get through is enough.

Try and Try Again

By Jessica Kay


She tried to shine her light today

But circumstances had their way.

She tried to laugh and dance and sing

She tried, and that was everything.

And even though the storms were strong,

She held her ground, she sang her song.

Blown about like a child’s plaything,

She tried, and that was everything.

Then the sun came out, shining bright

Only diminished by Her light.

Strong and true like a golden ring

She tried, and that was everything.


She tried to shine her light today.

She tried…and that was everything!


  1. So much this. Thank you for joining us this year, really glad to have you along for this journey.

    1. Thank you. I'm kind of happy to be attempting it. As of today (10/4/2020) I am already behind but I have a very good excuse. We've been trying to get my old site back but it's gone for good. However, we were able to get a new domain and we're working on getting everything updated and all of my info from the old blog transferred over. So, once that's done I'll be playing catch up this week. I'll obviously post the new site with new poetry but the new site link is It's sort of a play on word twists and the fact that I knit and crochet which twists and loops yarn. LoL

  2. It feels so good to read you again!
    And this... this is a good summary of my entire year. Of many people's entire year I think.
    And yes, we'll keep trying, and that it everything.

    1. Thank you! And I'm so glad to get to catch up with you. I've been busy this weekend and haven't been able to actually do much online (We're working on a permanent blog site for me and transferring all of my previous blog work over; new site is but I am still working on transfers and updates. I'll let you know when it has new work.). I will be trying to get to Instagram and poetry this week. LOL In between bouts of online learning help for my kids. And yes, it has been quite the year and this poem is exactly my current situation most days. ;-)

  3. Hope and working towards it is the best... Loved the flow of your write.
