Tuesday, October 6, 2020

#OctPoWriMo Day 4-Falling

I've got nothing to add to today's prompt which is to write about falling. I am going to simply let my words speak. And no form as I'm just finding it too difficult to deal with today.

Leap of Faith

By Jessica Kay


I feel there is nothing in falling,

I am weightless, perhaps

But there is no fear;


Fear came before I took the leap,

Not knowing if I’d fly or die-

Fearless now am I


As the air rushes around my body

And I still breathe,

Though the ground rushes closer,


My options dwindle,

And the truth reveals itself.


  1. Ahaa what a beautiful metaphor 'And the truth reveals itself'👌

    1. Thank you, Deepti! I liked the idea of never knowing what truth the person discovered. Did they fly? Did they crash? The whole point is that you (the person falling) get to decide.
